Bottom Line Competitive Intelligence

John J. McGonagle, Carolyn M. Vella

  Bottom Line Competitive Intelligence  John J. McGonagle, Carolyn M. Vella  Almost two decades after it emerged as an essential business tool, competitive intelligence is still finding its way. Despite its recognized importance, companies struggle to acquire the kind of intelligence they need and measure its effectiveness and value. This book provides essential tools for selecting the right kind of CI and assessing its contributions to a company's financial performance.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Almost two decades after it emerged as an essential business tool, competitive intelligence is still finding its way. Despite its recognized importance, companies struggle to acquire the kind of intelligence they need and measure its effectiveness and value. This book provides essential tools for selecting the right kind of CI and assessing its contributions to a company's financial performance....

Debt Games: Strategic Interaction in International Debt Rescheduling

Vinod K. Aggarwal

  Debt Games: Strategic Interaction in International Debt Rescheduling  Vinod K. Aggarwal  This book explains the significant variation that has emerged over time and across cases in international debt rescheduling during the past one hundred and seventy years. Based on a novel situational theory of bargaining, Professor Aggarwal's study provides a method to deduce actors' payoffs in different bargaining situations to develop This book explains the significant variation that has emerged over time and across cases in international debt rescheduling during the past one hundred and seventy years. Based on a novel situational theory of bargaining, Professor Aggarwal's study provides a method to deduce actors' payoffs in different bargaining situations to develop "debt games," which are then used to predict negotiating outcomes. This integrated political-economic approach to analyze bargaining episodes goes beyond simple economic models or purely descriptive studies. In doing so, it contributes to international political and economic theory, game theory, and historical research on debt negotiations....

Nauru a Spy Guide


  Nauru a Spy Guide  Ibp USA  Strategic and practical information on government, national security, army, foreign and domestic politics, conflicts, relations with the US, international activity, economy, technology, mineral resources, culture, traditions, govt  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Strategic and practical information on government, national security, army, foreign and domestic politics, conflicts, relations with the US, international activity, economy, technology, mineral resources, culture, traditions, govt...

Essential Technical Analysis: Tools and Techniques to Spot Market Trends

Leigh Stevens

  Essential Technical Analysis: Tools and Techniques to Spot Market Trends  Leigh Stevens  An Introduction to Technical Analysis from One of the Top Names in the Business An Introduction to Technical Analysis from One of the Top Names in the Business "Essential Technical Analysis is a highly valued resource for technical traders. The importance of comprehensive and well-researched market behaviors, indicators, and systems were well expressed graphically with many examples. No technical analyst should be without this book. Stevens?s book could become another classic." ?Suri Duddella, President of siXer.cOm, inc. (Forbes magazine?s "Best of the Web" in Technical Analysis Category) "Essential Technical Analysis will give the new student of technical analysis a good overview of both classical chart patterns and a myriad of technical indicators, but so will many other texts. What sets this volume apart is that it presents the subject in the context of real-world trading situations, not idealized well-chosen examples. Books on technical analysis, especially those aimed at novices, are typically filled with charts in which......

Smart Guide to Making Wise Investments (Smart Guide)

Gordon K. Williamson

  Smart Guide to Making Wise Investments (Smart Guide)  Gordon K. Williamson  Smart Ways to develop confidence in investing—ideal for anyone feeling uneasy or nervous about putting hard-earned money at risk Smart Advice on buying and selling, using a broker, and developing and tracking a portfolio Smart Tips on how to make college savings, tax-free investments, and retirement plans work for you Smart Ways to develop a sensible investment plan NOW to maximize savings and to minimize the financial demands of later years Smart Advice on setting your financial goals, understanding the different investment choices and their risks, diversifying a portfolio, and maintaining a patient, long-term outlook Smart Strategies to avoid the eight common investment mistakes, such as spending too quickly, investingtoo conservatively, and over-reacting to market fluctuations Smart Tips on financing a college education, consulting financial professionals, tracking investments via the Internet, and planning for a comfortable retirement ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Smart Ways to develop confidence in investing—ideal for anyone feeling uneasy or nervous about putting hard-earned money at risk Smart Advice on buying and selling, using a broker, and developing and tracking a portfolio Smart Tips on how to make college savings, tax-free investments, and retirement plans work for you Smart Ways to develop a sensible investment plan NOW to maximize savings and to minimize the financial demands of later years Smart Advice on setting your financial goals, understanding the different investment choices and their risks, diversifying a portfolio, and maintaining a patient, long-term outlook Smart Strategies to avoid the eight common investment mistakes, such as spending too quickly, investingtoo conservatively, and over-reacting to market fluctuations Smart Tips on financing a college education, consulting financial professionals, tracking investments via the Internet, and planning for a comfortable retirement ......

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Bottom Line Competitive Intelligence. John J. McGonagle, Carolyn M. Vella . Книги.

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