Transaction Level Modelling Using SystemC: Modelling of a Packet-switched Message-passingInterconnect Standard Using SystemCfor a Network-on-Chip (NoC)

Michael Pellmann

  Transaction Level Modelling Using SystemC: Modelling of a Packet-switched Message-passingInterconnect Standard Using SystemCfor a Network-on-Chip (NoC)  Michael Pellmann  From the start of the innovation of integratedcircuits (ICs), the number ofavailable transistors on one chip has increased everyyear with approximately60 percent (Moore?s Law). It is predicted that thistrend will continue at least forthe next ten years. Another trend is to integrateseveral system components,such as memories and processors on one chip. This isdenoted as System on Chip (SoC).  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин From the start of the innovation of integratedcircuits (ICs), the number ofavailable transistors on one chip has increased everyyear with approximately60 percent (Moore?s Law). It is predicted that thistrend will continue at least forthe next ten years. Another trend is to integrateseveral system components,such as memories and processors on one chip. This isdenoted as System on Chip (SoC)....


Владимир Даль

  Архистратиг  Владимир Даль  Эксмо.   Русская классика.   Владимир Иванович Даль - русский прозаик, лексикограф, этнограф, врач - незаурядное и во многом недооцененное явление в русской культуре. Несмотря на то, что главным делом своей жизни Даль считал создание Эксмо. Русская классика. Владимир Иванович Даль - русский прозаик, лексикограф, этнограф, врач - незаурядное и во многом недооцененное явление в русской культуре. Несмотря на то, что главным делом своей жизни Даль считал создание "Толкового словаря живого великорусского языка", он написал немалое количество произведений в жанре "короткой" прозы. "Ему стоит, не прибегая ни к завязке, ни к развязке, над которыми так ломает голову романист, взять любой случай, случившийся в русской земле, первое дело, которого производству он был свидетелем и очевидцем, чтобы вышла сама собой наизанимательнейшая повесть. По мне, он значительней всех повествователей-изобретателей", - писал Н.В.Гоголь. В этой книге представлены повести, рассказы, очерки и сказки: "Архистратиг", "Русский солдат", "Клад", "Бедовик" и другие....

Fashionable Clothing from the Sears Catalogs: Early 1950s

Desire Smith

  Fashionable Clothing from the Sears Catalogs: Early 1950s  Desire Smith  Schiffer Publishing.   Schiffer Book for Collectors & Designers.   Fashionable Clothing from the Sears Catalogs, early 1950s, focuses on wearable, collectible vintage clothing and accessories. The Sears catalogs provide the basis for a comprehensive evaluation of the fashions of this period. There is no guessing as to the dates of the clothing, and the descriptions are unsurpassed in terms of detail and accuracy. Vintage clothing from the early 1950s is extremely desirable to collectors, but it is getting increasingly difficult to find. Fashion designers look to the elegant styles of the period for inspiration. Collectors love the beautifully crafted handbags and the carefully tailored suits, jackets, and coats. Shoes have become very interesting to collectors in recent years, perhaps due to their comfortable styling and beautiful craftsmanship. This survey encompasses all aspects of the era's fashions, including gowns, dresses, shirts, skirts, sportswear, accessories, nightwear, underwear, coats, suits, and jackets. Fashionable Clothing...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Schiffer Publishing. Schiffer Book for Collectors & Designers. Fashionable Clothing from the Sears Catalogs, early 1950s, focuses on wearable, collectible vintage clothing and accessories. The Sears catalogs provide the basis for a comprehensive evaluation of the fashions of this period. There is no guessing as to the dates of the clothing, and the descriptions are unsurpassed in terms of detail and accuracy. Vintage clothing from the early 1950s is extremely desirable to collectors, but it is getting increasingly difficult to find. Fashion designers look to the elegant styles of the period for inspiration. Collectors love the beautifully crafted handbags and the carefully tailored suits, jackets, and coats. Shoes have become very interesting to collectors in recent years, perhaps due to their comfortable styling and beautiful craftsmanship. This survey encompasses all aspects of the era's fashions, including gowns, dresses, shirts, skirts, sportswear, accessories, nightwear, underwear, coats, suits, and jackets. Fashionable Clothing......

Richard Dupont: Terminal Stage

Richard Marshall, Nick Paumgarten, David Hunt, Richard Dupont

  Richard Dupont: Terminal Stage  Richard Marshall, Nick Paumgarten, David Hunt, Richard Dupont  This volume documents the large-scale public installation of Richard Dupont's work at New York's Lever House in the spring of 2008--addressing the themes of biological metamorphosis and transformation that have been central to the sculptor's work since 2003, when he began working from three-dimensional digital scans of his body.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This volume documents the large-scale public installation of Richard Dupont's work at New York's Lever House in the spring of 2008--addressing the themes of biological metamorphosis and transformation that have been central to the sculptor's work since 2003, when he began working from three-dimensional digital scans of his body....

Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan

John Noble, Michael Kohn, Danielle Systermans

  Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan  John Noble, Michael Kohn, Danielle Systermans  Lonely Planet Publications.   Discover Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan: Find out which Georgian king wanted the world to walk on his grave; Clamber down to the snake pit once occupied by St Gregory the illuminator; Watch the clouds lift above Xinaliq to reveal 360-degree views of the Caucasus mountains; Discover why you should never toast a Georgian with beer. In This Guide: Expert authors: three. Days of research: 143. Spontaneous on-the-road toasts: lost count; Expanded coverage of nature reserves, day walks and challenging mountain hikes. Формат издания: 13 см х 19,5 см.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Lonely Planet Publications. Discover Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan: Find out which Georgian king wanted the world to walk on his grave; Clamber down to the snake pit once occupied by St Gregory the illuminator; Watch the clouds lift above Xinaliq to reveal 360-degree views of the Caucasus mountains; Discover why you should never toast a Georgian with beer. In This Guide: Expert authors: three. Days of research: 143. Spontaneous on-the-road toasts: lost count; Expanded coverage of nature reserves, day walks and challenging mountain hikes. Формат издания: 13 см х 19,5 см....

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Transaction Level Modelling Using SystemC: Modelling of a Packet-switched Message-passingInterconnect Standard Using SystemCfor a Network-on-Chip (NoC). Michael Pellmann . Книги.

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