Snow Drop (Snow Drop), Vol. 6 (Snow Drop)

Choi Kyung-Ah

  Snow Drop (Snow Drop), Vol. 6 (Snow Drop)  Choi Kyung-Ah  Love Will Tear Us Apart As Hae-Gi and So-Na's relationship continues to grow, Sue schemes to tear them apart! Meanwhile, So-Na feels strongly that there is a connection between Hae-Gi and the book, Snowdrop, and sets out to solve the mystery behind its missing pages. But after So-Na discovers a revealing secret about Hae-Gi, will the book of love have to be rewritten?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Love Will Tear Us Apart As Hae-Gi and So-Na's relationship continues to grow, Sue schemes to tear them apart! Meanwhile, So-Na feels strongly that there is a connection between Hae-Gi and the book, Snowdrop, and sets out to solve the mystery behind its missing pages. But after So-Na discovers a revealing secret about Hae-Gi, will the book of love have to be rewritten?...

The Wisdom of Practice: Essays on Teaching, Learning, and Learning to Teach (JB-Carnegie Foundation for the Adavancement of Teaching)

Lee S. Shulman

  The Wisdom of Practice: Essays on Teaching, Learning, and Learning to Teach (JB-Carnegie Foundation for the Adavancement of Teaching)  Lee S. Shulman  What do teachers need to know in order to teach well?A How important is the depth and quality of teachers' content knowledge as a critical aspect of their ability to teach?A How can teachers best be educated, and how can we assess their accomplishments as teachers? In what ways is the professional preparation of teachers comparable to the preparation of physicians and other members of learned professions?A What kinds of educational research can provide deeper understanding of teaching, learning, and the reform of education? These are just some of the many questions answered in this landmark collection of Lee Shulman's best work. A pioneer in the field of teaching and teacher research, Shulman's work and thinking have long influenced teachers and researchers. But while Shulman is one of the most widely cited scholars in education, his writings have been scattered among a variety of books and journals—until now. A The Wisdom of Practice at last makes Shulman's...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин What do teachers need to know in order to teach well?A How important is the depth and quality of teachers' content knowledge as a critical aspect of their ability to teach?A How can teachers best be educated, and how can we assess their accomplishments as teachers? In what ways is the professional preparation of teachers comparable to the preparation of physicians and other members of learned professions?A What kinds of educational research can provide deeper understanding of teaching, learning, and the reform of education? These are just some of the many questions answered in this landmark collection of Lee Shulman's best work. A pioneer in the field of teaching and teacher research, Shulman's work and thinking have long influenced teachers and researchers. But while Shulman is one of the most widely cited scholars in education, his writings have been scattered among a variety of books and journals—until now. A The Wisdom of Practice at last makes Shulman's......

How Are We Doing?: A 1-hour Guide To Evaluating Your Performance As A Nonprofit Board

Gayle L. Gifford

  How Are We Doing?: A 1-hour Guide To Evaluating Your Performance As A Nonprofit Board  Gayle L. Gifford  Until now, almost all books dealing with board evaluation have had an air of unreality about them. The perplexing graphs, the matrix boxes, the overlong questionnaires. It took only a thumbing through to render a judgment: Until now, almost all books dealing with board evaluation have had an air of unreality about them. The perplexing graphs, the matrix boxes, the overlong questionnaires. It took only a thumbing through to render a judgment: "My board's going to use this? Get real!" Enter Gayle Gifford. Inhale the fresh air. See the ground break. Watch the clutter clear. This nationally respected author and board consultant has pioneered an elegantly simple and enjoyable way for boards to evaluate and improve their overall performance. It all comes down to answering a few dozen straightforward questions - questions that, as Graham Greene would say, get to "the heart of the matter." -Have we set a goal for the good we want to do? -How well do we know our community's needs? -Do we know if our programs are having an impact? -Do we ask the right financial questions? -Do we govern and resist the temptation to manage? -Do we recruit the board members we need? -Have we decided the board's role......

Internal Combustion: How Corporations and Governments Addicted the World to Oil and Derailed the Alternatives

Edwin Black

  Internal Combustion: How Corporations and Governments Addicted the World to Oil and Derailed the Alternatives  Edwin Black  Internal Combustion is the compelling tale of corruption and manipulation that subjected the U.S. and the world to an oil addiction that could have been avoided, that was never necessary, and that could be ended not in ten years, not in five years, but today. A Edwin Black, award-winning author of IBM and the Holocaust , has mined scores of corporate and governmental archives to assemble thousands of previously uncovered and long-forgotten documents and studies into this dramatic story. Black traces a continuum of rapacious energy cartels and special interests dating back nearly 5,000 years, from wood to coal to oil, and then to the bicycle and electric battery cartels of theA 1890s, which created thousands of electric vehicles that plied American streets a century ago. But those noiseless and clean cars were scuttled by petroleum interests, despite the little-known efforts of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford to mass-produce electric cars powered by personal...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Internal Combustion is the compelling tale of corruption and manipulation that subjected the U.S. and the world to an oil addiction that could have been avoided, that was never necessary, and that could be ended not in ten years, not in five years, but today. A Edwin Black, award-winning author of IBM and the Holocaust , has mined scores of corporate and governmental archives to assemble thousands of previously uncovered and long-forgotten documents and studies into this dramatic story. Black traces a continuum of rapacious energy cartels and special interests dating back nearly 5,000 years, from wood to coal to oil, and then to the bicycle and electric battery cartels of theA 1890s, which created thousands of electric vehicles that plied American streets a century ago. But those noiseless and clean cars were scuttled by petroleum interests, despite the little-known efforts of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford to mass-produce electric cars powered by personal......

Nantucket: The Quiet Season

  Nantucket: The Quiet Season  With more than a million visitors a year, Nantucket is a famed getaway, but only a few natives can attest to its mystic beauty in the fall and winter months. Among them is Cary Hazlegrove, whose Nantucket: The Quiet Season is the stunning follow-up to her celebrated Nantucket: Seasons on the Island . With Hazlegrove's signature photographs and evocative quotes from residents, this book captures what tourists rarely see: the island's hushed off-season life. Holiday hearths and cheery shopfronts provide warm refuge from chilly bogs and snow-blanketed dunes, revealing an island winter wonderland. With over one hundred images and a foreword by best-selling author Nathaniel Philbrick, Nantucket: The Quiet Season offers a unique view of the island, allowing all to enjoy its multifaceted charm year-round.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин With more than a million visitors a year, Nantucket is a famed getaway, but only a few natives can attest to its mystic beauty in the fall and winter months. Among them is Cary Hazlegrove, whose Nantucket: The Quiet Season is the stunning follow-up to her celebrated Nantucket: Seasons on the Island . With Hazlegrove's signature photographs and evocative quotes from residents, this book captures what tourists rarely see: the island's hushed off-season life. Holiday hearths and cheery shopfronts provide warm refuge from chilly bogs and snow-blanketed dunes, revealing an island winter wonderland. With over one hundred images and a foreword by best-selling author Nathaniel Philbrick, Nantucket: The Quiet Season offers a unique view of the island, allowing all to enjoy its multifaceted charm year-round....

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Snow Drop (Snow Drop), Vol. 6 (Snow Drop). Choi Kyung-Ah . Книги.

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